Home Loan

National Housing Loan Scheme

Natioanl Federation of The Blind provides housing loan to visually impaired person on minimum rate.Under this scheme only Government Employees are granted loans maximum up to Rs. 2000000/-. During the financial year 2015-16, a total number of 10 blind employees were sanctioned loan worth Rs. 12300000/-. so far. Since the launching of this scheme a total number of 213 Blind Employees have been sanctioned loan worth rupees 189144000/-

Conditions :-
1. The beneficiary should be a blind Government employee and the member of the federation.
2. The maximum limit was rupees twenty lakh but now the limit has been curtailed to rupees Fifteen lakh.
3. Maximum time period is 10 years.
4. The rate of interest is 8%.
5.The loaner should arrange a guarantor who should be a Government employee.
6. The rate of processing fee is 2% of sanctioned loan.

Legal Assistance

The Federation provides Legal assistance to blind members by way of Legal Advise, filing petitions of individuals and common PILs in appropriate course.

Self Employment

The federation launched a scheme for encouraging self employment for unemployed youth by providing easy and soft loan to them.The main features of the scheme includes interest at 4% per anum with a moratorium period of 1 year after setting up of the business. It has benefited approximately 250 persons throughout the country.

Emergency Medical Assistance Scheme

The Federation provides Medical Assistance to its members by way of loans or in some cases as assistance. The Federation has also a Medical Relief Fund of government employees. This fund has been created by the government employees which they are managing themselves through the Federation.

The maximum age limit to become the member of this relief fund 40 years. In case of emergency, rupees 25000/- is paid treatment in the form of loan and in case of death, assistance of Rs. 50000/- is paid to family member of the deceased which is not refundable.