The National Federation of the Blind, the voice of the blind, is the largest self-help organization of the blind in India. It is founded on the philosophy “Let the Blind, Lead the Blind”.
Some of the main objectives for which the Federation was established include
- To strive for equality of opportunity for the blind in their education, training and employment.
- To stimulate the provision of remunerative employment for the blind in all occupations which they can successfully practice.
- To explore new avenues of employment for the blind.
- To promote the production and distribution of educational & recreational materials to the blind in all available media.
- To promote the education of the blind in the light of modern and practicable concepts.
- To undertake or promote public education with a view to disseminating information to the public at large regarding the potential of the blind as students, workers & citizens.
- To establish, sponsor or collaborate with other agencies in establishing organizations, institutions or services in fulfillment of any or all the above objectives.
- To undertake or promote research, designed to stimulate progress in any aspect of the rehabilitation of the blind.
- To cooperate with local, national and international agencies having objectives similar to those of the Federation or with likeminded individuals for such purposes as the Federation may deem fit.
- To acquire, sell, mortgage or dispose in any fashion such property as may be considered necessary or expedient for the efficient functioning of the Federation.
- To establish branches in any part of the union of India on such terms as the Federation may decide from time to time.
- To raise funds by subscriptions, donations, grant-in-aid, bequests or in any other form that the Federation considers appropriate provided that such method of raising funds does not contravene any provision of the law in force for the time being.
- To do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the achievement of any or all of the above objects.